at32 FirePaper
Webpages - rotated, positioned and blended into your wallpaper - can be set to update periodically
Static and remote images can be included - here webcams and weather reports are displayed
Add notes
Variety of background image options include the ability to scatter photos on your wallpaper over a period of hours.
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at32 FirePaper is a totally unique program that allows you to make use of your static wallpaper and turn it into an information resource.
Static or active content can be added to your wallpaper, positioned, resized, rotated, cropped and blended together.
The content can be updated over time, and is pretty open ended - place shrunken news sites of webpages, monitor webcams, view weather maps or even insert your own "post-it" style notes. Because it's on your wallpaper, the information is always there.
As can be expected the program also includes a standard wallpaper randomizer utility on top of all this, as well as the ability to add smaller photo-style images to the wallpaper over time creating a feeling that the wallpaper is alive or living!
Place entities on your desktop wallpaper, select from remote webpage or JPEG, local image (JPEG or BMP), or add a sticky note.
All entities can be rotated, positioned, resized, cropped and blended together for your own aesthetic preference or simply to present content by importance.
No limit to number of entities.
Low CPU overhead and can run quite happily from a dialup connection (was actually developed mainly with a machine connected only by 28kbps).
Features - Webpage Entities
Webpages can be cropped, so you only show the headlines area of a news site for example and thus optimise space.
Webpages can be instructed to update every few days, hours or minutes - keep up to date with some of your popular sites and see at a glance if there have been any major changes.
Rapidly access webpages through the wallpaper - actually a quite convenient way to access your most popular sites.
Features - Image Entities
Setup a remote JPEG entity to have live webcams periodically updating on your wallpaper!
Insert other sources, such as weather maps.
Local Images can be inserted too, say if you have a favourite picture of your car or maybe your family - you can quite happily pop it in the corner of your desktop along with all the other content.
Like the other entities, local images can be updated on the fly too - so you could easily have a local webcam inserted into your wallpaper.
Like webpage entities, image entities can be cropped too. An example is with weather maps when you may only be interested in a local area.
Features - Notes
Insert notes directly onto your wallpaper - you can't miss them!
Resize, rotate and even alpha-blend notes to make them stand out.
Features - Standard Wallpaper Features
Standard background, either tiled stretched or centered
Random background changes, from a directory of images or sub folders
Responds to screen resolution changes
Add microimages to a wallpaper - again taken from a directory or collection of subfolders - to build up over time into a collage of images, and changing every day! A unique feature which must be seen, with controls similar to entity control for aesthetic preference.
Features - Bonus
Save and recall previous schemes - can switch between setups promptly and with no hassle.
Post-processing options - fade out the background and make it more or less intense. Additional controls for post processing for the entities too.
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